I've got this little deal-y that tells me where all of my visitors are from. (if you look at the very bottom of this page, you can see a map). As you can see, I have visitors from all over the world --China, Austria, Hawaii, Spain... So I'm just curious to know who all is visiting, and how you got here. Care to share?? :)
Please add a comment & say hello. :)
9 years ago
Right to the point...I'm from CA, USA and your site is awesome! :)
Hey Kari! This is Tonya, Dawn's sister. She told me you had a blog and I've been looking at it. Your pictures are wonderful! You do such a great job! Glad you are homeschooling too. We use Sonlight - usually. Oh, we live in Maryland, in case you don't know. Gotta run, kids are screaming! :-)
Hi Tonya! Thanks for saying hi. :) You homeschool, too, huh? how old are your kids?
We've always homeschooled. I really enjoy it, most of the time! :-) Abigail is 9, Rebekah is 6, Seth is 3-1/2 and Josiah is 13 months. So that means 3rd and Kindergarten for school. This year we didn't use only Sonlight. I'm going to a curriculum fair this weekend, so need to decide what we will do this next year!
ooh! Josiah and Seth are 2 of my favorite boy names! i always regretted not naming one of my boys Seth. :(
I'm very interested to hear what you find at the curriculum fair. we've been using sonlight, also, but i'd like to look into some other options. please let me know what you find! you can email me: kari@teuton.org
Hey Kari, I pop on here all the time to check up on you and the kiddo's and I love all of your pictures!! One question though, how did you do the guestbook, that's so neat (I think i'm getting hooked on blogspot ;) )!!
I left a comment today, but I guess signing the guest book wouldn't hurt. I love your photos! You always did have a camera in hand. :) Reading your blog has reminded me how much I miss my old friends. I also homeschool and love it. We use Konos. Well, I'll keep checking in.
So good to hear from you, G. :)
never heard of Konos...do you like it?
Hi from Orlando, FL. I stumbled upon your site while looking up the lyrics for a song that got my attention this evening, "Don't Get Comfortable." Thanks for the lyrics. As a father of 4 & 2 yr. olds, thanks for the suggested readings and songs. Loved the quotes, too. Best regards for your family and your pursuit of God, fun, passion, and love! -- Ron
Hi Ron! So nice to "meet" you! Thanks for checking in and saying Hi. :) I just ***LOVE*** that song!!!
Hello there! I'm from CA., USA. I was searching for a song, How Many Kings, and your blog came up. Thanks for the video, by the way! Love that song!
My kids are currently in public school but I am entirely against them entering Jr. High in the public school system, so I am wondering if you could point me in the right direction for some good Christian homeschool references. Any and all tips would be greatly appreciated as my oldest is in 5th and I want to have everything figured out in a timely manner. Thank you so much for your wonderful blog and God Bless!
Hi Kari. My name is Ladonne. I'm from SE Oklahoma. Your mom is very VERY dear to me (and I've heard much bragging about you and your family :) ). I love the way Jesus looks in/on her! It's kinda strange how I ended up on your blog though! I'll tell ya later! For now, I'll continue to be encouraged with all you've posted here as I browse! Smiles and joy to you.
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