Friday morning, we woke up to this BEAUTIFUL view out our window:

Our hotel package included free breakfast at their restaraunt. We took advantage of it our first morning, & had it brought up to our room. :)
After enjoying breakfast & our view, we decided to explore the grounds. As you could see in the first pictures, the hotel had very lush landscaping. It felt a lot like Hawaii. Between the hotel and the lake, there's a big "lazy river" that you can float around in, so Chris & i decided to take advantage of that.
This is a picture of a waterfall that flowed into the "river"
looking up at this cool palm tree, as we floated by.

Chris in the waterfall. --they sold these tiny little inner tubes for $5, by the pool. A littl small for us, but they did the trick.
Chris in the waterfall. --they sold these tiny little inner tubes for $5, by the pool. A littl small for us, but they did the trick.
As the "river" winds around, every so often, you'll come to a pool. I just liked the look of this chair sitting on the "beach." :)

Looking up at our hotel.
Looking up at our hotel.
After we went swimming we got a drink a the outdoor bar. It felt very exotic --just like the movies. :) To one side, there was a giant chess/checkers board, so chris & I took our drink over there & played checkers.
King Me.
Chris poses with the King.
And they lived happily ever after.
Another fun thing about our hotel package was the $25/day towards the use of their spa. So after our game, went to the spa & got a couple's massage. So fun!
That evening, we tried to see the Blule Man group, which was performing at Universal Studios, but there were no good seats left. So we decided to go out to a murder mystery dinner theater. So fun! On the way, we passed this building. thought it was cool, so i took a picture from the car as we drove by.
can you tell what's wrong with this picture?