Monday, August 11, 2008

An interesting trip

So as I mentioned in my previous post, i went to Dallas last weekend to have a reunion with all my high school girlfriends. A few of them, i haven't seen since high school. We had *soooo* much fun!! it was so refreshing to hang out an just be girls. not mothers or wives or homemakers... just girls. :) we ate lots of chocolate, talked about our kids, our marriages, our hairy legs, and everything else we could think of. We laughed & cried & talked & talked & talked. And then we ate some more chocolate. We went to bed after 4am every night. Over the three nights that I was gone, I think i slept about 9 hours. Today, i was exhausted--and hoarse - yet my spirit is refreshed. :) I can't tell you what a treasure it is to have girlfriends. :)

My flight into Dallas was a nightmare. I left my house at 10am & didn't arrive in Dallas until 5am, due to a couple 3-4 hour delays, and 2 missed flights... *sigh*

however, my 1st flight out of santa barbara was a fun experience - even if we *did* take 3 hours to get off the ground. When i first sat down on the plane, i had a pilot sit next to me... but the flight attendant kicked him off, because we were over our weight limit. a few minutes later, two new people get on the plane. i don't know what happened to the weight limit, but i guess it didn't matter anymore.

those of you who know me well, know that i love to people watch & think it's fun to try to figure out the story behind the person. So my new seat-mate was very intriguing to me. He was an older guy, but very stylish - cool hair & clothes... looked a lot like this guy:
so I asked him if he was from santa barbara, & he said yes. (that explains it, a little. Santa barbara people tend to be pretty stylish :) ) He was going to Tucson to do a show. So i asked what kind of show he was doing. With a bit of hesitation in his voice, he told me that he was a singer. (ah! this explains it even more! he's a singer, so he has a "look.") so we talked some more, about i don't know what, & it occurred to me that maybe he was a famous singer, & here i am sitting next to some big famous guy & didn't even know it... so of course, i had to ask.

"So. you're a singer. Are you famous? Should I know you?"

Again, he hesitated a bit, & said, "yes."

HA! too funny! "well, who are you?"

"More importantly, who are you?"

(Who cares who *I* am? i'm not famous! ) I reached my hand out to shake his, & said, "hello. I'm Karina."

and he says, "Hello, Karina. I'm Kenny..." (that is *not* what kenny rogers looks like, is it??) "...Loggins." ooooooh! he *is* famous!

So i had a lovely 4 hour plane ride, talking to kenny loggins. & i've got to say, he was the most enjoyable seat-mate i've ever met (aside from my wonderful husband, of course ;) ) we talked about politics, marriage, kids, and our ridiculous flight, among other things.

I had lots of fun being silly with my girlfriends about it. saying all of those things a fan would say:
"I shook hands with Kenny Loggins!"

"I practically kissed Kenny Loggins!" (actually, he just shared some water with me, because it was crazy hot on the plane, --but hey! his mouth touched the bottle. my mouth touched the bottle. We practically kissed! ;~) )

"I shared a brownie with Kenny Loggins!"

"Kenny Loggins insulted me by thinking I was 33!"

"Kenny Loggins slept on my shoulder!" (actually, he was leaning on his hand, & just kinda fell over & bumped into me)

"Kenny Loggins thinks I'm funny!" (he laughed at a joke i made)

"Kenny Loggins made fun of my watch!" (I happen to think my watch is very stylish, thank you very much.)

"I told Kenny Loggins to shut up!"

Anyway... fun and silly. :) As we were leaving, he said, "not to put you on the spot or anything, but what songs of mine do you know?" well, those of you who know me, know that as much as I love music, i'm clueless about who actually sings the songs that I love. - and I told him so. But i told him i'm sure i would know them if he told me, so i asked him what some of his more popular songs were: "footloose"

"you sang THAT!?"

"yah. and the sound track to Top Gun"

"really!? that was you? i didn't know that!"

Looking back, I should've said, "that sounds kind of familiar. how does it go?" just so I could say, "Kenny Loggins sang to me!" :D

Heather later informed me that he also sang, "your mama don't dance", the "Caddy Shack" soundtrack, "house at pooh corner", and one of my all time favorite love songs: "for the first time"


Glenna said...

Haha, you're such a nut!! How was the flight home?

~just me~ said...

i know, huh? i told chris about the "i practically kissed him" thing, & laughed. He said, "that's the sort of thing you tell your girlfriends. not me." :)

The flight home was just fine. they overbooked the flight (just like they did on the way in to dallas), so they were asking for people to give up their seats in return for a free round trip ticket anywhere in the US. So i took it. i had to wait around until 3:30 to leave, but they upgraded me to first class & gave me a free meal ticket. And THEN when my 3:30 flight came around, they asked for people to give up their seats again! i was so excited! 2 free round trip tickets, just for sitting around in the airport all day! but they didn't need me to give it up after all. :( So, i had a nice comfy ride home, in first class - which was wonderful, since i slept the WHOLE way home!! :)

Jennifer said...

Imagine what the captain in the jumpseat was thinking:

"I just got bumped by Kenny Loggins."

and what I'm telling my mom:

"Kari was SO flirting with Kenny Loggins."

I played a 4th of July gig for Clay Aiken last year and during the sound check I busted out with Stars & Stripes. Clay looked impressed so now I can say:

"Clay Aiken was impressed by my flute playing."

Isn't it fun the things that go on in our heads...or is it scary?

Laura said...

HILARIOUS STORY!! Girl, you crack me up! I was at work laughing out loud!

I put my blog down for a year but started up again on my facebook. By the way, do you have a facebook account? If you don't, you should!

Brenda said...

Is there any way you would so kindly explain how you got that little music player posted to your blog? I hate to beg but I've been trying on my own to figure it out and I'd be sooooo grateful to you. Thanks!!!

Loved the Kenny Loggins story. I wouldn't have known any songs off the top of my head either. Sounds like a nice guy. Your husbands comment about the kiss was funny.

~just me~ said...

hi brenda. :) i'd love to explain it to you... unfortunately it's a long & complicated process to figure out. i don't have a lot of time to explain right now, but i'll try in the future ---keep checking back, okay? ... until then, see if this website is helpful. let me know what you think, & if you have questions --maybe i can help better, if it's little by little. I know the most important thing is to have your music *on* the web somehwere (the below website suggests using a webpage through google). Also, you should know that you can't do it w/your itunes music. they make it so it can't be shared. --it has to be from music you've taken from a CD.

~just me~ said...

hi brenda. :) i'd love to explain it to you... unfortunately it's a long & complicated process to figure out. i don't have a lot of time to explain right now, but i'll try in the future ---keep checking back, okay? ... until then, see if this website is helpful. let me know what you think, & if you have questions --maybe i can help better, if it's little by little. I know the most important thing is to have your music *on* the web somehwere (the below website suggests using a webpage through google). Also, you should know that you can't do it w/your itunes music. they make it so it can't be shared. --it has to be from music you've taken from a CD.

Brenda said...

Thank you- I appreciate it!!! I'll give that website a try. :)